
Eat Local, Fund Local: Four tasty Kickstarter campaigns bring more flavor to the Cities

Mmm, pizza

Kickstarter has been a boon to an array of creative businesses, from small arts organizations to dance troupes to filmmakers — recently, it expanded to include more categories, such as food businesses and farming enterprises, and the result is delicious. 


Started in 2009, the site is a crowdfunding platform where funders pledge to support a specific project within a certain timeframe. The fledgling enterprises set the dollar goal, and if pledges meet that amount by the deadline, they get the funds. If not, the venture goes unfunded. 


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A Cyclist's Consomme

For me one of the best parts of a vigorous bike ride is the anticipation of a well-earned meal at its completion. I often reward myself with high calorie fare like a fried egg sandwich with mustard, mayo, and pickles. Mini pizzas on Greek pita, usually folded in half for a makeshift calzone, is another favorite. Or possibly a stop at my favorite greasy spoon diner, Al’s Breakfast. Often my sole motivation for a late-night ride is knowing that I’m going to want that 2am meal when I get back, so I might as well earn it.


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